Training and Experimental Facilities towards Autonomous Manufacturing (DFA)

About the event

As digital transformation becomes pervasive across Industry 4.0 and data-driven AI-powered applications promise to unlock new competitive advantages and business models in the sector, it is of strategic importance that European industry adopts AI at the largest possible scale.

Trying to reach increasing levels of manufacturing autonomy demands that advanced experimentation strategies and infrastructures become available.

TEFs are key instruments that could leverage such experimental set up to accelerate the adoption of advanced manufacturing assets and Industrial AI digital platforms. The open dialogue aims at bring together emerging European efforts in the development of European networks of TEF for manufacturing and set a debate on design principles for such networks and their role in collaboration with the network of (E)DIHs to address not only large industry demands but also SME ones.

Register here



10:00-10:05 Welcome

10:05-10:20 DFA Rapid Innovation Framework and Experimental Factories for Autonomous Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) Quality Control Solutions
Diego Ospina, INNOVALIA

10:20-10:30 Needs and Challenges from a European Network of TEFs
Farzan Ranijbaran, CEA

10:30-10:40 Didactic Factories, AI and Smart Specialisation Strategies
Sergio Gusmeroli, POLIMI

10:40-10:50 Smart Factory EU: A network of TEF for manufacturing resilience
John Blakendaal, BrainPort Industries

10:50-11:00 Emerging Synergies across TEFs and EDIH Networks: The EDIH4MANU Network
Mara Rossetti, Coordinator EDIH4MAN network

11:00-11:10 Automotive Smart Factory (ASF): Experimenting Cognitive and Autonomous Manufacturing Solutions for Automotive
Mikel Lorente, Technical Director, Automotive Intelligence Centre (AIC)

The event is finished.


11 Mar 2022


10:00 - 11:20

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 11 Mar 2022
  • Time: 04:00 - 05:20
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