Insight into the advance of zero-defects manufacturing
It is striking to read this publication and to hear how important the march towards carbon-zero and sustainability is to those involved. Although these kinds of targets are embedded in the framework of European funding, it is inspiring to know that this generation of researchers have taken this attitude to heart. The climate and our planet are the responsibility of us all, and improving industry in line with these principles will help create a better future for everyone
Another thread running through much of this edition of Projects Magazine is the paradigm shift towards human-centric innovation – a broadening of perspective that considers the holistic effect of the new wave of technologies coming through, beyond impacts such as increased efficiency and profitability to include the wellbeing of people working in industry as well as the rest of society. This human-centric approach is apparent in every single one of the projects featured in this publication, and it is hard not to agree that this is a positive step in the right direction.
Insight Media is delighted to include a digital edition of this publication as a resource for those interested in zero-defects manufacturing and following the work of our cluster. You can read it here.
If you would like to feature in a forthcoming edition of the magazine focusing on advanced manufacturing, contact Sam Davis at Insight Media on sam@insightm.co.uk

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