The Zero-Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) workshop co-organised by IDEKO, SINTEF, Politecnico di Milano and Carr Communications took place in Brussels, Belgium on 23 November 2022.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • Quick update of running ZDM projects around digital transformation (digital platforms, AI, data analytics, blockchain) and new ZDM projects around green transformation (zero waste, circularity).
  • Initial interaction among running clusters (predictive maintenance, AI for manufacturing)
  • Open discussion on ZDM opportunities at 2nd part of HE (2025-2027) and beyond HE.

The event ran from 9.00 to 12:15 CET at the Bluepoint building, Bd Auguste Reyers 80, Brussels, and there was also a remote connection link for those unable to attend in person.


#Time slot (CET)DescriptionSpeaker
09.00-9.15Welcome and reception4ZDM cluster representatives
19.15-9.30Introductory words from EC and EFFRAEC, EFFRA representatives
29.30-9.454ZDM Cluster status (workshop rationale and objectives, setting the scene, ZDM projects & waves)Juanan Arrieta (Ideko)  
39.45-10.45Introduction of new ZDM/ZW selected projects, under 6th wave (HE-CL4-2021-TT-01-02):
Open ZDM
Platform-ZERO (online)
TURBO (online)
Running projects and Q&A
10min sharp per project  

Oscar Salgado (IKERLAN)
Kosmas Alexopoulos (LMS)
Aitor García (LORTEK)
Victor Izquierdo (IREC)
Julio Silva (UPV)
Andris Freimanis (VTT)
410.45-11.00Interaction with other running clusters: FORESEE, AI4Manufacturing (online)Kosmas Alexopoulos (LMS)
John Soldatos (INTRASOFT)
511.00-11.15Short pause / coffee breakAll
611.15-11.25ZDM roadmap in progress under DAT4ZEROOdd Myklebust (SINTEF)Marcello Colledani (POLIMI)
711.25-12.10Plenary open discussion/panel: Evolution of ZDM within twin transition (digital/green) Framework of DTI concept (decentralized/distributed technical intelligence)ZDM opportunities within WP2023-24, within the new HE Strategic Plan 2025-27 (basis for WP2025-27) and beyond HE)Moderator: Linda Henriksson (Carr Communications)
Odd Myklebust (SINTEF)
Marcello Colledani (POLIMI)
Juanan Arrieta (IDEKO)   Participation of the audience is encouraged!
812.10-12.15Wrap-up and conclusions4ZDM cluster representatives


#Presentation (click to open/download)Presenter
1EFFRA presentationZeljko Pazin (EFFRA)
24ZDM Cluster Current StatusJuanan Arrieta (IDEKO)
3ZDZWOscar Salgado (IKERLAN)
4OpenZDMKosmas Alexopoulos (LMS)
6PLATFORM-ZEROVictor Izquierdo (IREC)
7TURBOJulio Silva (UPV)
8ENGINEAndris Freimanis (VTT)
9ForeSee ClusterKosmas Alexopoulos (LMS)
10AI-MAN ClusterJohn Soldatos (INTRASOFT)
11ZDM – the way forward: ZDM RoadmapOdd Myklebust (SINTEF)
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